Study Tour to Japanese Universities
Theme of tour: Japanese culture, education and history of student movement
Date of Tour: 13 October 2014 – 18 October 2014 (Reading Week)
Major activities:
Visiting University of Tokyo and gathering with their students
Learning and student exchange in Aoyama Gakuin University
Learning and student exchange in Kanagawa University
Visiting Yasukuni Shrine and Yushukan (History museum)
Visiting Sky Tree and the Japanese Palace
Tour Fee: $8000 + $500 refundable deposit
This fee includes round-trip flight ticket, 5-night hotel, tour bus transportation, 2 meals with Japanese University members, visiting cost in all 3 Universities, entrance of history museum, Sky Tree and Japanese Palace.
The $500 deposit will be refunded upon fulfillment of assignments.
Highlights of the Tour
Attendance of the 3 pre-trip lectures to be held on
27 September 2014, 2:30pm – 4:30pm [will be partly in Chinese and partly in English]
10 October, 2014, 1:00pm – 3:00pm (including a pre-trip gathering) [talk in Cantonese]
11 October, 2014, 2:30pm – 4:30pm [will be partly in Chinese and partly in English]
Attendance of all activities written on the schedule of the tour.
Two pages, no more than 500 words, of experiential learning report on either one of the following topics, with photos:
Student movement in Hong Kong compared to Japan in the 1960s.
Student learning in HKU halls compared to Japan and how to make it better.
(Deadline of assignment 3: 30 November 2014)
Complete and submit the application form above to HEDO through email ( Selection will be made if more than 30 applications are received. Applicants are required to write a short passage in this form. Those who have shown good intention of pursuit of experiential learning through this study tour would be with higher priority in selection.
Deadline of application: 15 September 2014
Date of announcement of selection result: 18 September 2014
Deadline of payment: 22 September 2014